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Top Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Business

Top Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Business
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May 21 2024

The practice of leveraging artificial intelligence in business is swiftly upsurging, with many companies using AI as a unique technology tool for specific use cases or blending it within enterprise software solutions that deal with a diverse range of business and operational processes.

Enterprise professionals, startup owners, market researchers, and other users are leveraging AI to boost their effectiveness, increase productivity, reduce costs, and craft competitive benefits. With the use of AI, they are better meeting the demands of swiftly altering market expectations. They have even enabled modernization and advances in AI software tools for making the technology more accessible to organizations.

In this blog post, we will explore the use of artificial intelligence in business and applications of artificial intelligence in the enterprise.

Growth Statistics of AI in Business Applications and Industry Domains

According to the Exploding Topics, 35% of global companies report using AI in their business. Notably, 42% of companies have reported exploring AI use within their company. Additionally, over 50% of companies plan to incorporate AI technologies in 2024. This indicates that over 77% of companies are either using or exploring the use of AI.

The industry domains with the maximum AI acceptance rates comprise the Medical sector, financial services, production, retail, and manufacturing. They use AI platforms and advanced tools to automate activities, enhance workflows, and craft new services and products.

By acceptance of AI and machine learning technologies, organizations are finding groundbreaking and new ways to increase business productivity and performance levels. Some business gains from AI comprise:

  • Advancing effectiveness by enabling process automation
  • Refining the speed or steadiness of delivered services
  • Leveraging customer insights and analytics to improve decision-making
  • Discovering new opportunities for innovative products and services

AI can fit within almost any industry domain or business strategy. To get commenced with AI solutions, it is vital to gain an understanding and comprehend how data is gathered and analyzed by using artificial intelligence solutions.

By studying the approaches behind AI, you can better control how AI might be able to assist your business and industry.

Top Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Business

Professionals and executives even said their usage of AI is moving out from those primary zones of implementation and into nearly all parts of the enterprise.

Here are the topmost applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in enterprise businesses, plus industry-specific instances of AI usage.

1. AI-enabled Products, Solutions and Services

Although many companies are merely starting to optimize the likelihood of artificial intelligence applications in their business, some are already leveraging the AI technology to empower groundbreaking innovations and create new products, solutions, and services.

Amazon Alexa and other alike virtual assistants are some of the most popular instances of AI-enabled products, however, product specialists say that organizations across industries are finding approaches to integrate AI into their products or leverage AI to craft new offerings.

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2. Automating Both Routine and Cognitive Business Tasks

Companies not only use AI to automate manual tasks, like data entry, but are also using advanced intelligence such as generative AI to manage cognitive business tasks like concluding lengthy company reports, research papers and drafting business communications.

Experts say that Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions are now dealing with some of the grind work, suggesting that this usage of AI could impact several jobs. Most of our jobs is grind versus superior skills involvement, and AI is really better at that grind-based jobs.

3. AI for levelling up workforces

Even when activities cannot be directly automated, specialists say that AI can still help workforces and employees by providing advice and direction that supports them level up their overall performance levels.

For instance, the Grammarly tool and similar services leverage AI to spot misspellings in content and check grammar to enhance a content writer’s or any other user’s writing, helping him indirectly to level up in his work.

Even generative AI brings even more aid to workforces, who with minimal or no experience can leverage the tool to create software code, design a website or build a digital marketing strategy.

Such AI applications assist level up the talent and skill sets of a junior professional in the organization and aid them execute at a senior professional level. It even supports and backs specialists really shine. It is a facilitator that enables people to do things they otherwise would not have been possible.

Related Article:- Benefits of AI in Healthcare

4. AI as a highly inventive and creative force

Artificial intelligence (AI) is now able to better craft compositions of all sorts, comprising visual art, songs, music, poetry, and mainframe code.

Some have questioned whether AI-generated works are derivative in either the legal or artist sense (or both), as the technology works by analyzing and learning from the data it is given for training.

Professionals can use ChatGPT to craft real-world instances of a business concept in action to work on diverse technology and business projects.

5. Accessing and well-organizing acquaintance through AI

Accessing and well-organizing acquaintance helps showcasing its potential to companies and their employees.

The AI technology lets employees and professionals not only search through reams of data sets, like official files or industry-specific information, to find applicable components, it well-organizes and recaps components.

Though the applications of AI are possibly transformative, experts say that the technology is not consistent adequately to leverage without human oversight or evaluation. AI software, like ChatGPT, do not always have all the insights required to reach precise and comprehensive conclusions, and they often make conventions that are not precise.

As AI continues to modernize, organizations that are swift to access and include it into their business strategies will be better furnished to solve the operational issues and enable new business opportunities.

Accepting Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not merely about adapting to change; it is also about steering change and well-organizing the future of technology and business.

Related Article:- Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare

6. AI for business enhancements and optimization

Optimization is another AI objective, and it is one that extends across diverse domains and business functionalities.

AI-based business applications can smartly leverage precise algorithms and modeling to turn data sets into useful insights on how companies can enhance a range of functions and business processes right from employee schedules to product pricing. AI solutions can leverage data sets, spot challenges, and provide optimized choices to execute and implement.

Companies can gain leveraging AI for the automation of monotonous tasks, which diminishes physical efforts and boosts accuracy levels.

7. Superior productivity and improved operations

Another topmost reason companies are accepting AI is to increase productivity and create more competencies. AI can be plugged into many procedures that need human labor and then either completely or partly perform that procedure quicker, more precisely and at a higher capacity than any individual could.

AI enables greater efficiency and automation to businesses operations. By using AI-powered software tools, companies can improve their workflows, enhance resource allocation, and trim down manual involvements in repetitive activities. This not only results to cost savings but even frees up employees to concentrate on more significant, strategic and innovative actions.

8. More real learning and training through AI

Many companies are leveraging or discovering how to use AI intelligence software to enhance how people should learn.

AI software tools can be leveraged to customize educational plans to each employee’s learning requirements and thoughtful levels based on their knowledge and acquaintance.

9. AI as a guide and monitor

In a correlated application, companies are deploying AI-powered solutions that guide staff members at work. The technology, specialists explained, has the competence to monitor, track and analyze activities in near real time and offer honest feedback, thereby guiding employees through the diverse processes.

For instance, many logistics and transportation organizations leverage systems involving cameras, eye tracking tech and precise AI algorithms to track for sidetracked driving, warning people to the challenging behavior and providing educative actions.

10. Decision-making support system

An alike application of AI in the enterprise is the usage of a smart and intelligent decision support system. These systems categorize and analyze information and, based on that investigation, provide recommendations and direction to humans so they can better make informed decisions.

Medical professionals, accountants and market researchers are amongst the professionals who leverage such applications and software. For instance, a Decision Support System (DSS) can better assist financial accountants wade through tax laws to spot the most advantageous tax tactics and precise strategies for their client base.

11. AI-driven quality control and assurance

Producers have been leveraging machine vision, a sort of AI, now for a very long time. They are now modernizing such uses by addition of quality control software solutions blended with deep learning abilities to enhance the pace and precision of their quality control functionalities while keeping costs in control.

These AI solutions offer an ever-enhancing, quality assurance functionalities, as deep learning tech models craft their own policies to check what defines quality levels.

12. AI for custom-made customer services

Providing custom customer services and experiences is one of the most predominant enterprise use cases for AI applications.

Experts say that AI uses identifiers about consumers and combine signals from numerous systems to comprehend who they are, what designates them, and what inspires them to craft a custom or personalized experience.

AI software solutions help businesses to customize client experiences. Chatbots and virtual assistants, enabled by AI can engross clients in real-time, resolving their queries and demands quickly. This level of tailored interaction and engagements not only improves customer gratification but even creates business and brand loyalty.
Even though the usage of AI for such an application is popularly used, experts say organizations could be more real on customization and personalization of services provided to their diverse customer base.

13. Secure business operations

AI is being used by a crowd of industries to enhance security and safety measures. Real estate organizations, utilities, farms, mining businesses and other entities working in exterior or outside locales are collecting information from instruments like cameras, motion detectors and climate sensors.

Companies then feed that information into intelligent AI systems that spot challenging behaviors, unsafe settings, or business openings, and make references or even take anticipatory or educative actions.

Other industrial domains are making similar use of AI-enabled software apps to track security scenarios. For instance, producers are utilizing AI software solutions and computer vision to track employee behaviors to make sure they are precisely following security and safety protocols.

Companies of all sorts can leverage AI-enabled software applications to process information and insights collected from on-site IoT ecosystems to track facilities for employees. In such scenarios, the smart AI systems watch for and alert organizations to risky scenarios like sidetracked driving in delivery vehicles.

Related Article:- Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Customer Service

14. AI for functional area enhancements

The functional fields within companies are even placing AI to enhance usage for their precise requirements.

Client support services leverage chatbots empowered by machine learning (ML) tools and NLP to quickly comprehend customer requests and reply to queries. They are cheaper and more cost-effective compared to human professionals.

AI also enables recommendation functionalities, which utilize client data sets and analytics to suggest solutions clients require and so purchase the same. Innovative AI systems can assist your teams in better serving clients and users by drawing on explicit data analytics, like those leveraged in chatbots and suggestion engines, to offer employees advice as they provide to the company’s customer base.

Digital marketing AI tools help professionals better understand client buying patterns so they can craft targeted promotional campaigns with a superior conversion rate than their generic campaigns. Some companies even blend innovative AI technologies with facial recognition, geospatial apps, and information-based analytics to spot in-store customers and better market their products and services that match their liking.

The supply-chain functionalities leverage algorithms to predict what will be required, when, and the ideal time to move forward involved supplies. AI tools assist business stakeholders in crafting more resourceful, cost-effective supply chains by diminishing and even removing overstocking and the challenge of running short of in-demand across products.

The HR functionalities leverage AI-powered solutions to assist in writing more stimulating and precise job postings, classifying and screening probable candidates, and crafting customized training and development programs for staff members.

Cybersecurity uses AI to track the enterprise IT setting more professionally and successfully to sense irregularities that could designate a cyber threat possibility. Software teams can use AI systems to create code and document programs.

Related Article:- How to Develop AI Software?

15. AI for enabling industry-driven requirements

Though many AI applications extent industry segments, other use cases are explicit to individual industry requirements. Here are some instances:

  • Healthcare Services
  • The healthcare domain uses AI and machine learning (ML) products to analyze the massive data gathered to discover patterns and insights that humans cannot identify on their own. AI algorithms in medical tools are assisting healthcare professionals in making more precise medical diagnoses earlier in a disease’s advancement. Smart AI tools assist clinicians in building more personalized treatment plans intended for the utmost competence of each patient.

  • Fintech Services
  • The fintech services use AI and machine learning for fraud identification and information security and to better analyze real-time data to make quick decisions about the legality of discrete transactions. The financial sector utilizes AI for wealth management, loan approvals, and business decisions.

  • Industrial Sustenance
  • The industrial domain leverages AI for predictive machine upkeep to recognize the most likely time equipment will require service and to enhance the scheduling of sustenance work. AI tools are utilized in factories to boost competence.

  • Transportation & Logistic Services
  • AI is facilitating a maturing fleet of self-driving vehicles that are turning more intelligent as they gain navigation practices. AI is even used for intelligent traffic management and smartly dealing with transportation and logistics operations.

  • Events Services
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are now much leveraged in crowded business meetings, fairs, and events. AI has many use cases, from staff entrances and exits to cross-checking attendance rates at technology and business events. With a Vision-based AI software platform, reaching solutions like human detection and face recognition is effortless. For example, a human detection software application allows you to spot and detect the number of people in a location. It also offers insights and analytics into the involvement level. These tools do not need programming knowledge and they enable users to craft custom applications quickly.

Moving Forward

AI can enhance decision-making by identifying innovative business opportunities, finding practical approaches to customize offerings based on client data, and preparing for probable operational challenges.

At Technostacks, our developers explore and drive pioneering approaches to using AI capabilities to enable your business to offer improved software products that can further enhance your client services and revolutionize your business applications to meet the varying requirements of your new and loyal client base.

We are a leading AI app development company that develops advanced and modern algorithms that can benefit your business from both structured and unstructured data sets that they collect from various business tasks, activities, and operational events. So, let us connect and together build an AI software tool with your business idea.


1. What are the applications of artificial intelligence in business?

The AI applications in different businesses include AI-based automation, improved customer experience, process automation, AI for contextual understanding, AI for healthcare, Fraud Detection, Market prediction, Digital marketing and enabling efficiency, performance & business productivity gains.

2. What is the biggest application of AI?

AI has played a crucial role in business automation and digitalization, as it has allowed us to gather, process, and better analyze large chunks of data sets at a speedier rate than before. This has led to the development of innovative technologies, enhanced business procedures, and upsurged efficiency levels in many industrial and business domains.

3. What are the types of artificial intelligence applications?

The different categories and types of AI applications include:

  • Robotics
  • Automobiles
  • Healthcare
  • Chatbots
  • Digital assistants
  • Facial recognition
  • Machine learning solutions
  • Artificial superintelligence
  • Video games
  • Deep learning solutions

4. What is the most common AI in business?

Chatbots are the most common AI tools used in business operations that simulate human discussions to answer client queries swiftly. Automation, information security, and customer care services are the top priorities where professionals can successfully apply AI. Natural language processing (NLP) is driving quick AI acceptance in different business domains.

5. What are the examples of artificial intelligence use in business?

Examples of AI in business management comprise:

  • Automated Spam Filters
  • Smart Email Categorisation
  • Voice To Text Features
  • Smart Personal Assistants, Such As Siri, Cortana and Google Now
  • Automated Responders
  • Online Customer Support
  • Process Automation
  • Sales, Digital Marketing and Business Forecasting
  • Security and Safety Surveillances
  • Smart Devices that Alter as per Behaviour
  • Automated Insights and Analytics

6. How will artificial intelligence transform businesses?

With useful and practical data sets, AI can assist business teams spot industry trends, make market predictions on future outcomes, and recommend the precise action plan for decision-making. Given that AI is generally more precise and faster at making decisions than humans, it can save organization’s overall time, invested funds, and tech resources utilized in manual decision-making process.

7. How do businesses use artificial intelligence?

Companies use AI to boost their effectiveness through business and process automation solutions. They can easily enhance the speed and steadiness of their business services and involved operations. Leveraging customer insights and data analytics for informed decision-making uncovers new business opportunities for new products and services through artificial intelligence (AI) software solutions.

8. What are the AI applications for small businesses?

The precise applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In small businesses include customer services, making logistics smarter, digital marketing, workplace transition, enablement of sales, promotions, content generation, and fraud detection. Activities like meeting scheduling, project management, managing documents, and transferring system information can also be automated using AI.

9. What are the real-world business applications of artificial intelligence?

The real-world business applications of artificial intelligence involve information security, process automation and client-based services where organizations have been fruitfully applying and executing AI. Business application with Natural language processing (NLP) is at the front of real-world AI acceptance and usage.