Why React JS is gaining popularity, its key benefits and why to use it?

React JS was developed by Jordan Walke, who was an employee at Facebook. It is a Java framework. It is an open source JavaScript library which is used for building user interfaces for single page applications. It mains view layer for different mobile apps as well and also creates reusable UI components. It was applied on Facebook in 2011 and on Instagram in 2012.
We can create specific changes in data of web application without reloading the web pages. The purpose or say features of this is to be simple, fast efficient in creating a user interface for applications.
We can use it with another framework of JavaScript such as angular for this purpose. It has an active community and substantial foundation behind it and is a front-end library developed by Facebook.
To work with it efficiently, you must have vast knowledge about HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. React JS doesn’t use HTML, but JSX is very similar to it. So being familiar it may help you to learn more. ES6 is a recent version of JavaScript which is used in this which makes it advance and more efficient.
Key Reasons to choose React JS
We have lots of framework platform so it’s a genuine question as to why we should use React JS. But it has some typical features which would make life easy for you. Let us look at some key reasons to choose React JS:
- Simple and easy to learn: It is straightforward and sophisticated as compared to any other javascript frameworks and is neither difficult to understand and use. You can use plain JavaScript to create a web application and then handle it using this. You can mix HTML with it via some of its syntaxes. JSX is also much easier to use with it.
- Code reusability and data binding: It supports code reusability and can create an Android web application. It uses one side data binding and also flux which is an application architecture which controls the flow of the data from one point. It is a useful feature regarding web application development and can help us a lot. Data binding and code reusability are essential factors.
- Performance and testing: We can use to browse, ecmascript6 modules which define dependencies and can use it with reacts-di, babel, etc. They are easy to test can be treated as a function of the present state and can be checked from the output, triggered actions, events, etc. It is imperative to test before using and React JS makes it too easy to do it.
As discussed above the purpose of using React JS is to create user interfaces for web application with much ease and sophistication. It is the best framework when compared with others. It allows the user to perform the task with JSX rather than pure JavaScript, but you can use it too in case. It has native libraries developed by Facebook, and it gives reach architecture to android, UPD and IOS.
The benefits of React JS are as follows:
- JSX is used which makes it more updated and quite simple to use. It uses HTML tags and syntax to render subcomponents .html tags are converted into react framework, and then the work goes on. Also can be done using simple JavaScript if JSX isn’t available.
- Single Way Data Flow: It allows unique way data flow in which sets of values are passed as components rendered as properties in HTML tags. It cannot directly access or modify components but passes a call back which does this task. The property is then known as “Properties flow down, and actions flow up.
- Virtual Document Objects Model: React JS creates components of memory data structures, which computes the changes and then updates the browser. So a unique feature is enabled which allows the user to code and it renders the components, elements, and data which can ultimately be processed and used.
- Render method takes input and returns what to display. JSX is a XML like syntax. Components can be used to render () via these properties.
- A state-full component: A component can maintain internal state data in addition to taking input data. When a components state changes, it is re-invoked by calling render (). Although event handlers seem to be rendered inline but will be collected and implemented using event delegation.
- Comparison between Angular and React-JS: Subscription of HTML while React JS is a complete pure JavaScript based library. It is more advanced, simple, dependable and intensive programming than angular. Hence it is much better than angular when compared concerning the framework.
- Can be applied using Babel: It is a compiler that converts markup language into JavaScript. You can use the newest features of JavaScript with this and also is available for different conversions. For example, our React JS uses this to convert JSX into JavaScript. JSX is an XML syntax extension to JavaScript which comes with full features of ECMAScript.
- The JSX expressions can be used by rapping them in curly braces. They are immutable hence cannot be changed, you can just use render () to replace them in case of every time if you want modification anyhow.
- React components are JavaScript functions. React uses ES6 classes to create components and can be created using the render method.
Key Takeaways
React JS is flexible and provides hooks that allow you to interface with other libraries and framework. It uses markdown libraries to do so. The declarative aspects make it more comfortable to debug as well. Overall react is the best framework for creating the user interface in a web application. When a website is complex to code and can’t define the understanding of a user, then one can go for React JS.
React JS is a better framework platform indeed to create a user interface for iOS, Android type web application. It is user-friendly, convenient, and efficient and why not it should be preferred over any other framework. It is applied in Facebook and Instagram. So if you are thinking of creating or modifying data on the web page then you must learn and use React JS.
If you have any question or planning to develop a react web application then you can hire us. We have experienced team of React JS programmers who are able to full fill your requirements.