Structure SDK For iOS and Cross-Platform VR MR App Development

We live in a world of the digital era and it’s important for everyone to keep update themselves with the technology updates. The digital technology is continuously growing and the virtual reality, Mixed reality is one of that. Most of the businesses already taken the leverages of this technology.
Structure SDK for iOS and cross-platform provides easy to use, flexible, an advanced featured framework for creating this type of virtual reality and mixed reality apps.
So here we are going to discuss what is structure SDK, it’s the feature and how you can create structure sensor capture method in iOS.
Structure SDK for iOS
The latest version of structure SDK 0.9 was released on 26 March 2019.
The trending and famous computer vision SDK for iPhones and iPads is Structure SDK. In other words, we can say that Structure SDK is the best option for structure sensor. You can check full releases here.
It is basically a framework to build a VR, MR apps which can take the benefits of spatial computing and mobile devices.
Structure SDK for Cross-Platform
The latest version of cross-platform version of structure SDK was released on 22 April 2019. You can view full release note on Structure SDK, Structure Sensor, and Structure Core Forums.
Its support for cross-platform with structure core goes beyond the tablet and offering advanced computer vision software to more platforms than ever before.
For below mentioned OS get supported by the SDK:
- macOS (x86-64)
- Linux (x86-64, arm64)
- Windows (x86-64)
- Android (arm64)
It also supports for the Structure Core firmware updater (0.9.6).
Structure SDK Features
Have you developed an app with a 3D sensor? Now you can do it!
Structure SDK supports advanced APIs that helps you to create more featured VR, MR based apps. You can direct access to the low-level controls and the same raw data.
You can get started now!
- Indoor Mapping
- Augmented reality
- 3D Scanning and texturing
- Position tracking
- Instant measurements
Structure Sensor Capture Method in iOS
- Create Capture session:
- STCaptureSession delegate methods
- Now directly used it from Your VC// Set the initial tracker camera pose.
_slamState.tracker.initialCameraPose = _slamState.cameraPoseInitializer.lastOutput.cameraPose;// We will lock exposure during scanning to ensure better coloring. = STCaptureSessionPropertiesLockAllColorCameraPropertiesToCurrent();// Turn off the lens detector
_captureSession.lensDetection = STLensDetectorOff;_slamState.roomCaptureState = RoomCaptureStateScanning;
Hope you are now aware of the structure SDK for ioS and cross-platform. You can mention your suggestions and feedback in the comment section.
If you are looking for the Structure SDK, VR or MR based solutions for your business requirement then you can inquiry us. Technostacks is a top mobile app development company in India & USA and we will give the best assistant for your business needs.