Project Detail

  • Use MFI(Zebra printer) and BLE(Gprinter) printer for print receipt
  • Print employee QR code in zebra printer and Gprinter.
  • Scan employee id from barcode print receipt
  • Draw farms in ba3 map
  • Implement Break warning system
  • Admin and payroll manager of the app assign a task to the clerk in any other device.
  • Clerk add support request like(printer not working, the internet not working, printer battery low).
  • Admin shows the support request in a map(sorted by maximum support request in an area) and list.
  • The app is also working in offline when the network is connected then sync all local data.


We have used a Zebra scanner to scan Employees original documents and developed a solution OCR to collect their hand written forms and insert records into the system. We have used 3M document verifier to verify the identity card provided by employee is real or not. The app creates unique QRcodes and associates it with Employee. The ID badge with QRcode, printing through BLE printers. The employee’s picks cherries and each of them have to went to clerk with the bucket of cherry picked. The clerk opens the app scans the QRcode of employee through camera to map his payment per hour and total quantity based on which a receipt is prints and given to employee. For calculating the weight we are using BLE scale machine.

Printer Used

In this app we have to use MFI Bluetooth Printer (BLE 4.0) to print a receipt and QR code. Zebra printer language for print receipt in proper formatting and QR code printing solution using 3rd party libraries.

Clerks Can Do 2 Kind Of Support Requests

  • On that the initials a message telling the payroll administrator that they need help. This could be things like running out of paper, running out of batteries, and there could be a payroll dispute. The clerk click to push a button for request and this request needs to be to a designated payroll manager or admin. admin see’s these messages, he or she marks them off as complete.
  • he request should always come with a cause code (like a QC Problem code except this would be a support code, the user, the location, the time. They should know if the payroll manager has seen the request and when the request is complete.

Work-Time Break System

Break Times – There are new laws in the United States that sometimes require employers to notify their employees to take breaks and to account for that. This needs to be recorded into system so that it can kept for legal labour law purposes.

  • By adding a custom message to the bottom of every ticket so that the farmer can tell the employees what the rules about breaks are. They may want other information on there as well but we need to be able to give notice to the employees.
  • With any employee, once come back from picking administrator need to look back and see how much time has elapsed. If it has passed a certain amount of time, we need to display a warning to the clerk that tells them that person needs to take a break and if there is a printed connected, we need to print them a receipt that tells them to go take a break. This receipt needs to be customized by the user..