The challenge was to ensure that the app seamlessly integrated with the client’s existing hardware infrastructure of the GPS tracker and delivered on every client requirement.
- We needed to create a set of modules that included Registration, Login, Position Updates, Devices and Geofences for both iOS and Android.
- Our developers had to deliver a very high level of user experience, despite the numerous features in the app.
- The idea was to ensure that the app functionality compelled its potential target users to download the app on their devices and use it frequently.
- We were able to meet client demands by extensively using the various tools and features offered by both Android and iOS technologies.
- Our developers built the app backend using PHP hardware in order to offer GPS tracking and Geofencing facility.
- Technostacks app developers delivered features such as secure login, new user registration, live tracking of devices, addition or removal of new devices.
- App users can get regular position updates and track full history of position changes.
- Real time tracking enables the users to track GPS tracker’s position in real time on their smartphones or tablets.
- Developers also added features such as geographical polygon and circle fencing, drawing new geofence or its removal or updating the fence.
- We built the app in a way that users can track multiple SweTrack devices together on the map.
- Other features delivered through the app included drawing route of specific device, offering speed and battery warning to users, helping users keep device within GPS coverage and enabling users to edit their profile.