Our methodology in propagating the solution involved developing a comprehensive Windows software application bundled in a setup file. The software was supposed to be used by health clinics for entering and analyzing sperms of patients. The software was really easy and self-explanatory to install into the system, hence clinics would not have had issues from this side.
When the software is launched and a health care official logs in, they can access patient records and details of the various tests carried out. The user interface was designed so as to have a fundamental intuitive flow with intuitiveness to grant easy users an experience on the navigation of both patient information and that of test outcomes.
For every inception of another experiment, at hands of healthcare workers, there was an entire baby-step walk through process facilitated with OpenCV-based live video reflections. The real-time checks and balances ensured that the operation was perfect and optimized in terms of sample collections, scope for errors and overall quality of videos recorded as well.
We have integrated a custom video player in the home screen of the software to assist the healthcare professional for viewing and analyzing the sample videos recorded by them for a one-step assessment process helping them understand the reproductive health of the patient so that the overall experience of assessment is improved.
Generally, the approach utilized in developing the product involved devising a user-friendly and effective computer application program that immensely streamlined the process of collecting, evaluating, and analyzing samples of sperms. We were trying to integrate live video feedback, ascertain complete data capturing, and a customized video player in the system to allow medical practitioners to identify fertility rates and general reproductive health with accuracy.
Apart from the video feedback, there was also a form provided that cared healthcare professionals were to fill in the details of the patient hence comprehensive and accurate capture of information. The ability to hold data entry at the same time as the video recording by the OpenCV technology reduced the delays that most health services providers endure when relying on static systems.