A healthcare management application offers effective sharing of information, perfect diagnosis, as well as convenient billing exercises in the entire healthcare sector including doctors, pat…
The nature of the project has been such that offers a handy and accurate toolkit for fertility rate assessment and concepts pertaining to reproductive health. This groundbreaking approach to…
The stress management and heart rate monitoring app’s core responsibility is to help people track their heart rate and breathing through a discreet biosensing patch. With the help of that …
The client came up with an exclusive idea for the survey' replacement procedure. Traditional surveys entirely depend on responses that are largely textual or numerical, which in most cases d…
The main objective of creating this fintech mobile application is to connect the micro-entrepreneurs and small informal businesses to micro-finance institutions & Banks for digital funding.
The barcode scanners should have the capacity to read the black and white zebra lines that are present on the products quickly and precisely. The same information should be fed to a computer…
The app needed to be seamlessly connected to the sensors of the water meters; these water meters were to be connected to the piping systems/outlets/inlets and placed around water heaters, di…
With AR Product Catalogue App, you can scan a product and, as a user, place the object in real-word to check if the product is perfectly fitted or not.
Its game-changing technology, code named “MiteNote” seeks to sterilize mites, thus eliminating them, but at the same time making sure that the bees are not harmed in any way. Whole proje…
SweTrack is a leading Swedish GPS Tracker and Track Transmitters manufacturing company.
Online table booking systems help business people to significantly save and manage their time, optimize business processes that, as a result, will increase the income. Our client has already…
During a normal day of picking cherries, the cherry picker will pick a bucket of cherries and bring it to a payroll clerk in the field. The payroll clerk will first use the iPhone applicatio…
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